Shri Neeraj Kumar
SDCC , Muzaffarnagar with a vision to develop a cadre of professional men and women, with specialized skills, who have learned to solve the corporate problems with a broad perspective and have greater sense of responsibility towards the society. We are committed to provide best possible facilities and environment for the development of such human resource.
I am overwhelmed to state that with the able guidance of our academic board, our faculty has developed all the qualities of good managers in the students. Our students are full of vigor, vision, ambition and readiness to accept the challenges.
I appreciate the sincere efforts of our faculty members and the keen desire of the students for learning.
I, on behalf of the Institute, express my gratitude to the corporate that have placed faith in us and accommodated our students and further seek their co-operation and support to select our students to be a part of them.
SDCC enables students to transform their aspirations into their achievements.
I, therefore, welcome you to SDCC .
Neeraj Kumar (Secretary)